Today is Wednesday right??? LOL. Middle of the week. WhooHoo. I only have one more day to work this week.
Ok so am I workin' on? Well, I have my friend Angie who is having a birthday on the 29th of this month. So I have been busy working on her birthday present. I guess that tells ya I cant tell huh? I hope she will like it..
Of course Josh's room is a total mess. I still have not decided on the floor yet. I am lookin around trying to figure out what kind of carpet to put down. I want something that will be easy to take care of, but tough enough to stand up against the messes of boys. I just dont know. So right now Im lookin at prices and types of carpet. The bad thing is it will have to be a light color due to the color we painted the room. I dont want it to end up lookin like a dungeon. So for now that project is undone. I hate that too, cause it's like once you stop you cant get goin again.
Still workin on my ornie swap. I have made them up, just got to add a few finishing touches to them. I dont know what that will be, but Im thinking about it.
Then all the other stuff that needs to be done around the house. Cookin, cleanin, washin all that stuff. That is a never ending story.
I hope you all have had a wonderful Wednesday and that your projects havent over taken you like mine have. To many irons in the fire. Well, hope you all have a wonderful evening. Until next time.
21 Beehive Clipart!
18 hours ago
jeya tammy, you should have posted a pic of the room....... thats what you are working
have a great evening and stay cool, kim
oops, that was supposed to say, heya tammy NOT jeya....
good grief!!
Hey Kim. LOL, I knew whatcha meant. I could post those pics, but I have posted them already. A few posts back. I have round and round about that room. Its really starting to get on my nerves..
Hey girl, do i need to come help ya finish that room? LOL
I am just so undecided about what I want to do. I mean I had the whole plan, but now I just dont know. I just need to make up my mind is all. Thats all thats left to do is the floor. Just waiting on my brain to function.
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