I tell ya. I have more stuff than I know what to do with. It seems that I am a messy crafter. LOL, is there any other way to be? How can you not make a mess? I have a bedroom upstairs that I was gonna use as my craft room, but I felt so isolated up there. I brought everything downstairs to the diningroom. I just cant believe how messy it stays. I had even started running over into the kitchen.
I am having a Tupperware party on Tuesday, so I thought I had better start and clean now, so I wont have it all to do on Tuesday. Boy at the stuff I had out. I could not even see the tables. Well, while trying to get everything in the little closet that I have in there. Dh asks me if I had shelves in there would it help me out any. Whenever Dh volunteers to do anything I jump on it.. Yes, yes, shelves would be wonderful. So he got busy making and putting them in for me. I like it sooo much better.
I still have lots of farbric upstairs, but I think I will leave it there. I dont want to overload the closet, and the way I see it is, if I havent used it Im not gonna use it. So right now it will stay where it is. Everything I use is down here right now, so it's not hurting anything.
I got most everything in there. I have a few things that need to be taken up stairs. Items I have made and need to be put away. Thats no big deal. I sooo wish I had a craft room though. It would make it sooo much easier on me.
I put everything in plastic bags. Mostly scrap fabric to use later. Guess I need to get busy making something huh? Oh and I need to get my hiney in there and dust off those closet doors too? Guess I have some things to get busy with. So I had better get goin'. Y'all have a great day. Until next time.
21 Beehive Clipart!
18 hours ago
WTG Jay! Lookin good Tammy. It feels so good to get organized!
Oh I know right.? It does feel good. How long it will stay that way is another. LOL. I am just sooo messy. I dont know how my family stands it sometimes.
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