My new blog friend Siri has given me an award this morning. Thank you Siri. I am honored.
I have said this before, but when I first started bloggin' I didnt think anyone would read my blogs. But I have found out that it just takes a little time. I have met so many wonderful freindly people. I try to read a little bit of every blog on my blog roll. Gosh I would be here for a full day if I read them all. But I do check them and even though I may not post, I do read.
1)Copy the Award;
2)Add a link to the person who gave you the award;
3)Nominate 7 blogs that do not have this award yet and include their links (good luck)
4)Leave the nominee a message that you have nominated them
Gosh to find 7 blogs that have not received this award. I nominate everyone on my blog roll. I just love to visit them all it's hard to just pick a few.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday morning award
Posted by Tammy at 11:13 AM 2 comments
Witch Potion Bottle Giveaway
Im thinking seriously about doing a blog just for giveaways. I know we all love to enter. Aunt Manny's is having a kewl giveaway. Her contest is open until September 15th so you have time, but there are quite a few ways you can be entered. Go on over and sign up.
Posted by Tammy at 7:21 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Contest Has Ended.....and......
We have a winner. I could not wait until tomorrow to see who would win, so I went ahead a drew a name and the winner is
Whoohoo. Way to go Mandie, email me your addy so I can get her out to ya. My email is clarktammy24 @ yahoo. com. Without the spaces.
I want to thank everyone who participated in my very first drawing. This was alot of fun and I will have another one in the near future.
Posted by Tammy at 10:16 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Awesome Giveaway!!!
I have been thinkin' of doing a blog for giveaways only. I seem to post alot about them. Got that thought the other day, might have to plan on that. LOL,
Shay at Olde Colonial Peddler is having her very first blog giveaway. It is an awesome one too. There is a first a second and a third prize. So head on over and sign up for your chance to win.
Posted by Tammy at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Whatcha workin' on Wednesday
Gosh this week seems to be flying by. School started on Monday and I have been working part time in the afternoons from 2-6. It's only four hours but when you have to look after 15-16 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders it can seem like forever. This week has gone pretty good so far. I have been gettin up bright and early. 5:30 am to start my days. Im tired. I have kept the house clean and laundry caught up. It's hard to be a crafter, work outside of the home, and be a housekeeper too. But some how I am managing.
I have an order for some Christmas stockings that I need to get busy on. Can you believe that? Christmas crafts already. There is no rush for them so I think I will start on those maybe later tonight.
I seem to be out of everything. LOL, I am such a bad supply keeper. I am in much need of paint in every color it seems. Friday is payday and I can soooo not wait. Gonna go this weekend and buy what I need. So once I stock up on things I will get back to the crafting. I have a lot of things that I can get sewed up and just have them waiting on the finishing touches. That's all I have for today.
Hope you all have a great evening.
Posted by Tammy at 7:16 PM 4 comments
Awarded Again..
My friend Lisa has given me another award. Thank you so much Lisa for thinking of me. I hope that everyone who stops by gets a smile from here every once in a while. I have met so many neat people through the bloggin world and they are all an inspiration to me. To pick only 5 is so hard to do. I know that many have received this award already. Thank you again Lisa.
THE SMILE AWARD's rules are:
1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator (it's right on the award)
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see below.)
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human).
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes.
4. Must learn from others.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
6. Must love life
7. Must love kids.
Here are the 5 sweet bloggers that make me smile....
Angie she is my new found friend that is my sounding board. We can just laugh and laugh about nothing. We have so much fun when we talk.
Nicole I just love to visit her blog. Its so cheery and very welcoming.
Carm She is just so sweet to everyone. If I need any graphics help she is always there to help me out.
Brenda I just love her dolls. She does some awesome work, if you havent been by there to see all her wonderful creations you need to. If her dolls dont make you smile nothing will.
Denise is my buddy. I have talked with her before and she is such a great person.
Posted by Tammy at 5:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wow Another Great Giveaway....
Seems I am turning into the blog for giveaways. LOL. Rondell, at Tomato Creek Primitives is having a 100th post giveaway. She will be drawing on the 28th. Head on over and sign up.
Seems to be the month for giveaways. Im never lucky at drawings so I have to get all the help I can by posting them on blog. LOL... Hope I win..
Posted by Tammy at 7:14 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
GiveAway is here.
Ok, I finally decided what I would do for my giveaway. I am giving away a prairie doll and 3 little clothes pin dolls. The clothes pin dolls can be hung on a tree or used as bowl fillers. They are cute.
Now for the rules:
All you have to do is comment here in the Giveaway post only. To be entered once.
If you comment on my Easy Livin' blog in the Giveaway post only you will be entered twice.
Post this giveaway on your blog to entered for a third time.
If you do not have a blog and you wish to be enetered you can leave a comment or email me at Be sure to put Giveaway in the subject line.
Saturday the 30th at 10 PM Eastern time will be the cut off. And the drawing will be held on Sunday the 31st at 12 Noon Eastern time.
Good Luck to all who enter.
Posted by Tammy at 6:58 PM 38 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Turkey Ornie
Ok, I dont usually make ornies. This was a special order from my friend Wendy. They were a little easier to make than I thought they would be. I got the pattern from Robin at Bird in the Hand Primitives. All Wendy asked for was a turkey. Robins pattern also had a cornstalk, but I left that off.
Posted by Tammy at 8:44 PM 6 comments
A few things I have been workin' on
I have tried to get some sewing done today. Some days thats hard to do. I have finished up three prairie dolls and a couple of pinkeeps. I have a turkey ornie in the oven right now. When I get that done I will try to get it posted too.
Please excuse my mess. My diningroom is now my craftroom, and it just stays a mess. Im so ashamed.
I just love these dolls. They are my favorite and very easy to make. The pattern is by Angi at Drakestone Primitives Country Cabin.
Posted by Tammy at 7:53 PM 6 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Well, Here it is Friday!!!
I have had such a busy week. I missed WWOW (whatcha workin on Wednesday) and Show and Tell this week. I have a few things that I have been workin' on, but mostly I have been gettin' Josh ready for school. Gosh this was the last week of summer vacation and it sure has flown by. I am so nervous for him. I am usually a basket case the whole first week of school, this year could be different since he will be goin' to high school, I could be a basket case all year. LOL.
So, since I missed WWOW and Show and Tell, I am gonna post it today. I have gotten some Prairie Dolls sewn up and ready to be stuffed and put together. Dont have pics of that.
I had gotten some boxes a few weeks back from the Goodwill, and just decided what I would do with them. So I painted them and added a Halloween graphic to the top.
And I got some primtive cat bowl fillers done as well. Im not sure if I like how they turned out or not. But they look ok.
So with the busy week I have had, I think I managed to get some things done. Gotta get goin' on other things as well. October will be here before ya know it, and it will be time for my very first craftshow..
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Posted by Tammy at 5:22 PM 9 comments
Halloween Bag Give Away..
There is a cute bag give away over at Calamity Janes blog. Head on over there and sign up. Drawing will end on the 28th.
Posted by Tammy at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I received an Award...
I want to say Thank You to Jill at The Fruit of Her Hand Studio and Leslie at My Country Home.for giving me this award. I didnt even know if people would even want to read my blog. I hope that I keep things interesting for all who read. Thank you again Jill and Leslie.
Now for the rules of the award. They are as follows:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated.
I have made so many wonderful bloggin' friends. It will be so hard to only pick 7. I love to read everyone's. So, let me see. I hope the one's I pick havent received this award already.
Boo's Brown Bunny Patch
The Raggedy Angel
Back Porch Pickens
Bird in the Hand
Blue Jean Primitives
Pond Creek Primitives
Sugar Plum Patch
Posted by Tammy at 5:25 AM 12 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Great Sign Give Away
Cheryl at Canadian Country Girl is giving away an awesome sign. Head on over to her blog or site and sign up.
Posted by Tammy at 9:19 PM 4 comments
Another Fall Give Away
Sue at Country Pleasures is having a fall give away as well. Head on over and leave'er a comment. Post it on your blog and be entered a second time.
Posted by Tammy at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Great Fall Give Away...
Linda over at Behind my Red Door is having a great give away. Drawing will be soon so hurry on over and sign up.
Posted by Tammy at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Show and Tell time...
I am gonna use my crafting as show and tell today. I have worked on this little guy when I had time really. I will be kinda glad when school starts because having to two kids at home that go at each other all time keeps me really busy.. So here he is, my primitive scarecrow. I really love how he turned out.
Posted by Tammy at 6:40 PM 12 comments
Ok, I cant stand IT!!!!
I can hardly wait until Fall. So I decided to change my music a little bit. I know it's only August, but I cant help it. I just in the whole Fall Halloween mood. I hope you like what you hear. Im just trying to get us all in the mood. Just in case you werent already there. LOL.
Posted by Tammy at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Whatcha workin on Wednesday? I have been busy again this week. That is good considering that I have been a slacker for some time now. I am trying to get my items ready for a craftshow that my friend Angie and I are doing in October. It will be my first show ever. Im a little nervous about that. But anyway. I had a busy day today.
I went to work this morning. Came home and picked up the boys to take them to eat lunch with the kids at summer camp. One more week and summer camp will be over. Then I took Wesley to get him a new pair of shoes. Seems he out grows them before he wears them out. Aint that the way it is with kids? Then the boys had a dentist appointment. Wesley did very good. I was worried about him. Being that it was his first visit and all. He does have a couple of cavities that we will have to get fixed, but he will do fine. Josh on the other hand had a clean checkup. No cavities. WhooHoo. Good job Josh..
So what have I been workin on? Well, I have a ghost that I have made and 3 more cut out ready to go. I have made a pumpkin with 3 more cut out and ready to go. And right now I am working on a scarecrow. He is gonna be soo cute. I love the grungy pumpkin though. I have to say it is my favorite. I got the patterns from Megan's Primitive Cupboard. They were all really easy to do. So here they are all together what I have been workin on.
The Ghost:
The pumpkin:
The Scarecrow:
There always seems to be sooooo much to do with so little time....
Posted by Tammy at 6:22 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Is Fall in the air??
I have been thinking about this for the past few days. Is Fall in the air? The reason I ask this question is because here in NC it has been very comfortable as far as the weather. We have had some very cool mornings and evenings. Not the kind of cool where you want to put on a light jacket though. But comfortable compaired to what we have been having.
I noticed the other day while driving to town a little woolly worm crawling on the road. They say you can tell what kind of winter you will have by the colors on the worm. I dont know much about that, but it was copper in color and I think that means a mild winter. Winter here I think is pretty mild anyway. If we get snow we get all excited about it. It hardly ever snows here, but it does get cold. This is not the one I saw,just wanted to add a pic. I found out that here in North Carolina we have a Woolly Worm Festival in Banner Elk, thats up near Boone I think. I have been through there once. Just passed through.
All the talk about Fall on other blogs has me longing for it. I love the warm days and cool evenings. Not to mention all the trees changing colors, pumpkins, mums and pansies, and not to forget Halloween. I just love Fall all together. It's my favorite time of year, next to Christams to decorate.
I have my ways of knowing when Fall is just ahead. We have a pear tree in our yard, that is about 100 years old. I know Fall is on it's way when it's leaves turn. Its the first one to start turning. And that tree has been loaded with fruit this year. So much that 2 limbs have broken out already. This is the second time since we have lived here that it has done that. All of the fruit bearing trees have been loaded this year. Too bad I dont make jellies, and preserves and such. I would have more than enough.
I've been searching for songs to put on my playlist that deal with Fall. That's kinda hard to do. I dont really know that many except for Over the River and Through the Woods. If ya have any suggestions just post'em for me. Halloween would be good to. I just want to get us in the mood. If we arent already there.
Well, I have rambled on enough. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.
Posted by Tammy at 9:13 AM 8 comments
Oh my another give away
My friend Lisa at Black Sheep Prims is have a back to school give away. Look at this wonderful prize she is giving away.
Now you better hurry, she's gonna have her drawing on the 11 of August. That's tomorrow, Monday. Hurry now. Run.
Posted by Tammy at 7:14 AM 3 comments
Awesome Give Away
Pam over at Soft in the Head is having an awesome give away....Just look at this little cutie.
So hurry on over and leave her a comment so your name will be entered. What a great give away. Oh and she not just giving one prize,..... Nope, she's givin' 3. That's right 3. So hurry!!!!
Posted by Tammy at 6:42 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My new header
I want to say Thank you to Carm at Shweet Potato Designs for making a new logo for me. Carm does great work and if you havent been over to check out all the cute and fun graphics she does then you are missing out. So what are you still doing here? Get on over and she what she has for you..
Thank you Carm for making my new logo. I loooove it.
Posted by Tammy at 8:27 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Got my Santa Made....
It took me all day with all the runnin' we did, but I finally got One made. I will work on the other two tomorrow. I think he turned out pretty good. This is a pattern by Becky at Tennessee Ridge Primitives. I just love to make'em, just alot of steps involved.
I think Im gonna get in there and maybe make some pumpkins before I head to bed. Im not a night owl, so we'll see what happens.
Posted by Tammy at 9:08 PM 13 comments
It's Show and Tell time.
I decided this morning to take the boys out for lunch. While we were eating I told them that we were gonna stop by the Thrift Stores on the way home. I am sooo glad I did too. I found some nice things there. They have alot of those wooden items. You know like the country shelves and things like that. I could have bought them all. But I need another shelf like I need a hole in the head. So this is what I got.
I found all of this at two different places, and Im soo glad I stopped. Im not sure where the boxes came from or what they were used for, but they have Sonoco Fibre Drum stamped on the bottom. I dont know if Im gonna fabric cover them or paint. I havent decided yet.
The 5 wooden bowls I know Im gonna paint, the 2 smaller ones have a design on them and they look kinda primitive so I think I will just use them to sit around.
I love the little copper jello molds. They are right cute I think. What to do with them, Im thinking. The valances and pillow shams I got to make pumpkins out of. I think they are some nice colors for Fall. And that stripped one I think is pretty wild. I think it will make some great pumpkins.
Oh, Oh and the napkin holder. I thought that was neat too. Gonna paint it and prim it up nicely. It seems I have a few projects to keep me busy. I will keep y'all posted as to what I do with them.
That's my Show and Tell. Until next week.
Posted by Tammy at 5:08 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Pay it Forward.
Come on y'all. Pay it forward.
This is how it works, the first three people who comment on this post I will send you a surprise. Then you are to post it on your blog and the first three people who respond you send a gift too and you just keep it going that way. The gift can be something you have, or made, or bought. or flea market items. Please keep your gifts small, (maybe something you could fit into a manilla envelope or regular envelope).
You can play more than once if you want too. Just a little fun to help beat this summer time heat!!!!!
Posted by Tammy at 4:32 PM 3 comments
Whatcha Workin' on Wednesday
I have been busy with makin' items for the past few days. My friend Wendy placed an order with me so I have been working on some things for her too. She ordered some of those little witch hat ornies, snowman bowlfillers, and some candy corn bowl fillers. I took her the witch's hat so I dont have the picture of those, but they are Moonchild's Primitives pattern. They were soooo much fun to make. Alot easier to make than I thought they would be. Anyway she ordered another set, I just havent got them done yet. So here is her snowman bowl fillers and candy corn. They are waiting to be finished. Got to get the noses on the snowmen, grunge them and paint the candy corn. Should not take too long.
I have also been workin on some Santas. I have them alll sewed up and stuffed just need to paint and add the finishing touches. I got that pattern from Tennessee Ridge Primitives. The crow there is also one of her patterns I just need to finish him up too.
I have one that is done all but adding his broom and he will be done.
I am gonna be working out in the shop with Dh on a few things I want to get done. My friend Angie and I are gonna do the Antique Alley here in a local town in October. I think I really need to get busy making some things. I dont know why, but I like to drag my feet. I just havent been in a mood lately to do anything. Its hard to run a craft business, work outside of the home, raise kids, keep the house clean and so on. Well, its a though job, but somebody has to do it. I think I manage pretty good. So that is what I have been workin on. How about you? What are you workin on? Until next Wednesday, Happy crafting.
Posted by Tammy at 3:45 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Happy Monday
Got this graphic from Primsy Doodle Designs
Yep it's Monday again. I had the day off today. Did a little sewing, that's a good thing. Not much goin' on around here. Just wanted to drop in and wish you all a Happy Monday, and to say that I hope everyone has a great week.
Posted by Tammy at 8:44 PM 4 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Your 80s Hunk Is |
![]() Kirk Cameron |
How cool is that??? I was soooooo in LOVE with Kirk Cameron...
Posted by Tammy at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Happy Saturday...
Is what Carm left me on my shoutout board. I think it has been a pretty good day. I got up this morning, washed and dried clothes, then I headed out to the shop. I decided to paint my cabinet. Now I will tell ya right out I am not a painter. I think however it turned out pretty well. This is what it looked like before.
After all the suggestions I got, I realized I had some left over paint, so Thursday night I decided to start painting. I painted the inside of the cabinet black. Which I am not too sure I like, but I did it anyway. I did find out one thing. Acrylic paint and oil based paint don't mix. I had a hard time painting the inside, I think thats why I am not to happy with it.
I let it dry over night, although it didnt take it long to dry, and it was gettin' late to so I decided to start the outside last night. I painted the outside a color called Old Gold.
I had a very experienced partner to help me along the way. My son Wesley just had to help. I dont mind that being that it my piece. Had it been anyone elses I would not have let'em. He painted with a foam brush while I rolled the top where he couldnt reach. Then I rolled over what he had done, and it did really well. He said to me, "I did an excellent job, didnt I Mom?" "I know Dad will love this when he gets home."
Just look at how he is workin' hard at painting. He is fixed on doing a good job.
I went back over some of the places this morning, where the green was showing through. I painted the handles black and left the hinges the natural color. I think I might need to paint them black as well. I dont know, what do you think.
So here is the finished product. Its not center of the wall. I turned it so I could hide all those boxes I got from the post office.
So that was pretty much my day. Without goin' into details about the other stuff I did. LOL. I hope everyone had a great day, and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Posted by Tammy at 5:24 PM 4 comments