I got my prize from Ginger at Primitives by the Light of the Moon. I just love what I got. And the sachet smells heavenly. Love the star tart, it is cinnamon and nutmeg and smell wonderful as well. Love the little notepad, I use those a lot. But Ginger Thank you for a great prize. I just love'em.. Hugs to you my new blog friend.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Got some wonderful goodies in the mail...
Posted by Tammy at 9:10 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Im Sorry!!! I've been bad!!!
I have been away from the computer for a while. Bloggin and forums I have been away from for a little while. I have not been checkin other blogs and well I have just been bad. I am so sorry. I hope that when my craft show is over I will have time to catch up with everyone. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day. Until next time... Tammy
Posted by Tammy at 12:50 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Award and Tagged
My friend Angie has given me an award and tagged me. Thank you Angie.
Six things about me:
1. I am a mama to two great boys. Josh 14 and Wesley 3
2. I work for the After School Program and I have 13 1,2 and 3rd graders in my group. I love'em all. They are great kids.
3. I cant sew with my shoe on. I think this is so funny, but I have to take my shoe off when I sew.
4. I love allllll things primitive.
5. I have one brother, who is younger than me. He is getting married in November
6. Fall is my all time favorite time of the year.
Now to award and tag 6 other bloggers. I hope I pick someone who doesnt already have this award.
Kimberly My Brown Bag Studio
Angie Simple ThymePrimitives
Leslie My Country Home
Kindra 3 Guys A Girl and A Prim Place
Jill The Fruit of Her Hand Studio
Joleen The Primitive Bucket
Posted by Tammy at 4:11 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Whatcha Workin on Wednesday
Leslie has the Whatcha Workin' on Wednesday at her blog. Head on over and see what everyone else is workin on.. Thank you Leslie, this has kept me pretty motivated in getting some much needed crafting done.
Well, I got my table cleaned off, only to start another project. Ain't that the way it goes. I have been busy the for the past week. I got all my projects finished and started on some for Christmas. I had gotten TRP free pattern a while back, the one that's the snowman make-do. Becky used a spring and I had some bobbins left over and I thought I would use them. So here is what I am workin on. I have one finished and 3 more to do. That's all the bobbins I have left. So tell me whatcha think about'em.
I think he turned out pretty good, being my second attempt at round headed creations.
Posted by Tammy at 9:42 AM 9 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Update on crafts....
I was in hopes of completing my table full of crafts by the end of the weekend. Well that didnt happen, but I did manage to get right much of them completed. All I have left to do is the hats for the crows and the wings for the angels. I have some round head snowmen that I want to get started on, but wont start them until I finish these. I did finish one witch's hat, but it turned out to be a flop. I dont know what happened it. So, dont know if I will try anymore of those or not? We'll see. Ok here are my completed items.
I do have one question about painting items.. I had one smelly cat that has paint that is darker in one area, but the rest of them turned out fine. I dont know what I did to this one, but anyway it turned out this way. So if you think you might know what I did wrong let me know because I don't have clue as to what happened.
Posted by Tammy at 7:35 AM 19 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Whatcha Workin on Wednesday
Golly, my plate is full or should I say my table. I have been sewing up a storm. I have a craftshow comin' up the second weekend in October, and I have been trying to get ready for that. I thought that I could make my process go a little faster IF I sewed everything up, stuff it, then paint everything at one time. Seems to be workin' pretty good. It's the stuffin' that I really dont like.LOL. But anyway here is what I have sewed up and need to finish..
2 snowman hats with mittens
3 sets of ginger guys
2 crows with moon
3 santas-still have to sew one of those up
4 smelly cats
3 primitive angels
Well, that's what Im workin' on today. How about you? What are you workin' on?
Posted by Tammy at 8:08 AM 13 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
You Belong in Fall |
![]() Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times... You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you |
Posted by Tammy at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Whatcha workin on Wednesday
Well, I got up this morning to a sore throat and runny nose. Dontcha just hate that? So I decided to make the Witch hat crow make do that was Becky's free pattern. Im kinda torn between the witch hat and the prairie dolls. Dont know which one I like better. LOL. I love them both.
This pattern didnt take too long to make. It was pretty simple in fact. After getting everything on the hat, I thought that the cheesecloth is not wide enough, so the next one I make I will make the band for the hat a little bit wider. Dontcha think so? So, I got one made this morning and will work on a couple more this evening when I get home from work.
Here are a few more photos of the hat.
I also got some grab bags of fabric form Robin and I just love all the different patterns and designs that was in there. It's hard to find really good fabric around here and pattern design like she sent me. So I made up a new pinkeep with some of the smaller pieces. I think it turned out pretty good. I dont know how well pinkeeps will sell, but Im gonna make up a few more anyway.
So here's what I came up with. The pattern is from Sassafras Hill.
Posted by Tammy at 10:23 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
New Blog
I have decided to create a new blog for all those generous bloggin' folks that are offering giveaways. If you would like for me to post your giveaway on my blog please let me know. It is also for Featured Crafters. I have a new one every month. Let me know if you are interested in that as well. I know there are some very talented people out there in blog land and I would be very happy to have you as a featured crafter. I have my calender all set for the rest of the year, but the upcoming year is wide open. Just leave me a comment if interested.
Posted by Tammy at 10:42 AM 4 comments